Book chapters

Here are a list of all Book Chapters:

Book Chapters

Nichols, J. D., Karanth, K. U., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Delampady, M. (2017)Animal Population Monitoring: A Unified Conceptual Framework. In Methods for Monitoring Tiger and Prey Populations (Pages 35-36), Springer, USA.
Nichols, J. D., Karanth, K. U., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Reddy, G.V., Goodrich, J. M. (2017)Informed Decision Processes for Tiger Conservation: A Vision for the Future. In Methods for Monitoring Tiger and Prey Populations (Pages 289-303), Springer, USA.
Royle, J. A., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Dorazio, R. M., Nichols, J. D., Jathanna, D. (2017)Concepts: Assessing Tiger Population Dynamics Using Capture-Recapture Sampling. In Methods for Monitoring Tiger and Prey Populations (Pages 163-189), Springer, USA.
Dorazio, R. M., Kumar, N. S., Royle, J. A., Gopalaswamy, A. M. (2017)Concepts and Practices: Estimating Abundance of Prey Species using Hierarchical Model-based Approaches. In Monitoring Tiger and Prey Populations (Pages 163-189), Springer, USA.
Dorazio, R. M., Delampady, M., Dey, S., Gopalaswamy, A. M. (2017)Concepts: Integrating Population Survey Data from Different Spatial Scales, Sampling Methods, and Species. In Monitoring Tiger and Prey Populations (Pages 247-254), Springer, USA.

Popular Articles

Braczkowski, A., Nsubuga, M., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Biggs, D. (2020)Counting lions: new study shows the importance of good counts for lion conservation. Published: 7 September 2020.


Elliot, N. B., Broekhuis, F., Omondi, P., Ngene, S., Kariuki, L., Sankan, K., Chege, M., Wato, Y., Amoke, I., Dolrenry, S., Kuloba, B., Gopalaswamy, A. M. (2021)Report on the application of novel estimating methodologies to monitor lion abundance within source populations and large carnivore occupancy at a national scale. Wildlife Research and Training Institute and Kenya Wildlife Service.NA
Prasada Rao, K. B., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Naletilic, I. (2023). Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservation Programme (ITHCP) Phase 1. Final Evaluation. PEM CONSULT.I was part of this research work involving a massive team, involving 3 years of work with >100 collaborators over 6 protected areas. The results of this work was recently published in the journal Global Ecology and Conservation.