Here are a list of all my publications
Scientific publications (published/in press)
Name | Descripion | Link |
Global Ecology and Conservation e03312 | Braczkowski, A. R., Elliot, N. B., Rwetsiba, A., Mudumba, T., Gopalaswamy, A. M., O'Bryan, C. J., Crysell, A., Biggs, D., McCallum, H., Cima, M., Musobozi, S., Namukose, L., Jingo, S., Luhonda, P., Schenk, R., Okello, P. Innocent, K., Kisemba, J., Pereira, K. S., Drileyo, G., Cornille, O., Atukwatse, B., Engelmann, A., Kigongo, H., Kiboneka, P., James, K., Moman, P., Omwesigye, Debref, K., Tiromwe, D., Nsubuga, M., Ling, S., Astaras, C., Loware, S., Sande, E., Kityo, R., Siefert, L., Samarasinghe, D., Langley, A., Nuwaijuka, N., Muzanganda, N., Asimwe, B., Hore, S., Lindsey, Gumisiriza, Ojok, R., Kakaire, F., Namugenyi, D., Kalyewa, Gibson. L. (2024). Insights into Large Carnivore Populations in Uganda: A Participatory Survey of Lions, Leopards, and Hyenas Using Spatial Capture-Recapture. | NA |
Communications Biology 7, 1308 | Braczkowski, A. R., Namukose, L. ,Musobozi, S., Cornille, O., Mudumba, T., Drileyo, G., Broekhuis, F., Jingo, S., Asimwe B., Luhonda, P., Atukwatse, B., O'Bryan, C. J., McCallum, H., Biggs, D., Gibson, L., Rwetsiba, A., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Lindsey, P., Elliot, N. (2024). Rangers on the frontline of wildlife monitoring: a case study on African lions in Uganda's Nile Delta. | NA |
Conservation Science and Practice 5, e12871 | Ngene, S., Broekhuis, F., Elliot, N. B., Mukeka, J., Chege, M., Muteti, D., Ngoru, B., Lala, F., Mwiu, S., Amoke, I., Western, G., Wato, Y., Dolrenry, S., Gopalaswamy, A. M. (2023). The emergence of a robust and inclusive framework for a nationwide assessment of Africa lions. | NA |
Ecology and Evolution 13, e10291 | Ball, I. A., Marneweck, D. G., Elliot, N. B., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Fritz, H., Venter, J. A. (2023) Considerations on effort, precision and accuracy for long-term monitoring of African lions (Panthera leo), when using Bayesian spatial capture-recapture models, in fenced protected areas. | NA |
Mammalian Biology 102, 1199-1213. | Braczkowski, A., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Fattebert, J., Isoke, S., Bezzina, A., Maron, M. (2022). Spatially explicit population estimates of African leopards and spotted hyenas in the Queen Elizabeth Conservation Area of southwestern Uganda. | NA |
Nature Ecology and Evolution 6, 1794-1795 | Gopalaswamy, A. M., Khalatbari, L., Chellam, R., Mills, M. G. L., Vanak, A. T., Thuo, D., Karanth, K. U., Broekhuis, F. (2022). Introducing African cheetahs to India is an ill-advised conservation attempt. | NA |
Global Ecology and Conservation 37, e02173 | Samarasinghe, D. J. S., Wikramanayake, E. D., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Jayewardene, R., Kumara, J., Fernando, J., Gunawardene, K., Alexander, J. S., Braczkowski, A. (2022). Evidence for a critical leopard conservation stronghold from a large protected landscape on the island of Sri Lanka. | NA |
Diversity and Distributions 28, 1445-1457. | Broekhuis, F., Ngene, N., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Mwaura, A., Dloniak, S., Ngatia, D., Tyrell, P. D., Yumi, Y., Elliot, N. B. (2022). Predicting potential distributions of large carnivores in Kenya: An occupancy study to guide conservation | |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2203244119 | Gopalaswamy, A. M., Elliot, N. B., Ngene, S., Broekhuis, F., Braczkowski, A., Lindsey, P., Packer, C., Stenseth, N. Chr. (2022). How “science” can facilitate politicization of charismatic megafauna numbers. | NA |
Global Ecology and Conservation 35, e02028 | Morin, D., Boulanger, J., Bischof, R., Lee, D. C., Ngoprasert, D., Fuller. A. F., McLellan, B., Steinmetz, R., Sharma, S., Garshelis, D., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Nawaz, M. A., Karanth, U. (2022). Comparison of methods for estimating density and population trends for low density Asian bears. | NA |
Ecology and Evolution 12, e8662 | Western, G., Elliot, N. B., Sompeta, S. L., Broekhuis, F., Ngene, S., Gopalaswamy, A. M. (2022). Lions in a coexistence landscape: Repurposing a traditional field technique to monitor an elusive carnivore. | NA |
Global Ecology and Conservation | Laguardia, A., Bourgeois, S., Strindberg, S., Gobush, K. S., Abitsi, G., Bikang Bi Ateme, H. G., Ebouta, F., Fay, J. M., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Maisels, F., Simira Banga Daouda, L. F., White, L. J. T., Stokes, E. J. (2021). Nationwide abundance and distribution of African forest elephants across Gabon using non-invasive SNP genotyping. | |
Featured in: AP News, ABC News, The Guardian
Name | Description | Link |
Glob. Ecol. Conserv. 27, e01550 | Laguardia, A., Gobush, K.S., Bourgeois, S., Strindberg, S., Abitsi, G., Ebouta, F., Fay, J.M., Gopalaswamy, A.M., Maisels, F., Ogden, R., White, L.J.T., Stokes, E.J. (2021). Assessing the feasibility of density estimation methodologies for African forest elephant at large spatial scales. | NA |
Ecography. 44, 358-369 | Broekhuis, F., Elliot, N. B., Keiwua, K., Macdonald, D. W., Mogensen, N., Thuo, D., Gopalaswamy, A. M. (2021). Resource pulses influence the spatio-temporal dynamics of a large carnivore population. | NA |
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 138. | Braczkowski, A., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Elliot, N. B., Possingham, H. P., Bezzina, A., Maron, M., Biggs, D., Allan, J. R. (2020). Restoring Africa’s lions: Start with good counts | NA |
Featured in: The Guardian
Name | Description | Link |
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 1(1), e12015 | Braczkowski, A., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Nsubuga, M., Allan, J., Biggs, D., Maron, M. (2020). Detecting early warnings of pressure on an African lion (Panthera leo) population in Queen Elizabeth Conservation Area, Uganda. | NA |
Conservation Science and Practice 2(7), e217 | Elliot, N. B., Bett, A., Chege, M., Sankan, K., de Souza, N., Kariuki, L., Broekhuis, F., Omondi, P., Ngene, S., Gopalaswamy, A. M. (2020). The importance of reliable monitoring methods for the management of small, isolated populations. | NA |
Conservation Science and Practice. 2019; 1:e128 | Gopalaswamy, A. M., Karanth, K. U., Delampady, M., Stenseth, N. C. (2019). How sampling-based overdispersion reveals India’s tiger monitoring orthodoxy. | |
Featured in: The Hindu, Times of India.
Name | Description | Link |
Ecology and Evolution 2019;00:1-15 | Dey, S., Delampady, M., Gopalaswamy, A. M. (2019). Bayesian model selection for spatial capture-recapture models. | |
Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin 1-20. DOI: 10.1177/0008068319837087 | Dey, S., Delampady, M, Karanth, K. U., Gopalaswamy, A. M. (2019). A spatially explicit capture recapture model for partially identified individuals when trap detection rate is less than one. | NA |
Conservation Biology 31(4): 934-943 | Elliot, N., Gopalaswamy, A. M. (2017). Toward accurate and precise estimates of lion density. | NA |
arXiv:1611.02403v1 [stat.AP]. In revision | Gopalaswamy, A. M., Delampady, M. (2016). Examining posterior propriety in the Bayesian analysis of capture-recapture models. | NA |
PLoS One. doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0155309 | Alexander, J. S., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Hughes, J., Shi, K., Riordan, P. (2016). Patterns of Snow Leopard Site Use in an Increasingly Human-dominated Landscape | NA |
PLoS One. doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0153875 | Broekhuis, F, Gopalaswamy, A. M. (2016). Spatially-explicit population estimates of cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) using unstructured sampling data. | NA |
Featured in: The Times, BBC Newsroom, Hindustan Times, Times of India, Deccan Herald, Business-Standard, Deccan Chronicle, Narok Newspaper and others.
Name | Description | Link |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 1067-1068 | Gopalaswamy, A. M., Delampady, M., Karanth, K. U., Kumar, N. S., Macdonald, D. W. (2015) Corrigendum. | NA |
PLoS One. doi.10.1371/journal.pone.0134815 | Alexander, J. S., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Shi, K., Riordan, P. (2015). Face value: Towards robust estimation of snow leopard density. | NA |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 1055-1066 | Gopalaswamy, A. M., Delampady, M., Karanth, K. U., Kumar, N. S., Macdonald, D. W. (2015). An evaluation of index-calibration experiments: counting tigers at macroecological scales. | NA |
Featured in: The Guardian, The Independent, Daily Telegraph, Science, New Scientist and almost all leading Indian dailies.
Name | Description | Link |
Conservation Genetics Resources DOI 10.1007/s12686-014-0371-9 | Mondol, S., Kumar, N. S., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Sunagar, K., Karanth, K. U., Ramakrishnan, U. (2014) Identifying species, sex and individual tigers and leopards in the Malenad-Mysore Tiger Landscape, Western Ghats, India. | NA |
Biological Conservation 166: 175-185 | Karanth, K. K., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Prasad, P. K., Dasgupta, S. (2013). Patterns of human-wildlife conflicts and compensation: Insights from Western Ghats protected areas. | NA |
Environmental Management 52(6): 1320-1332 | Karanth, K. K., Naughton-Treves, L., DeFries, R., Gopalaswamy, A. M. (2013). Living with Wildlife and Mitigating Conflicts around Three Indian Protected Areas. | NA |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(2): E110-E110 | Karanth, K. U., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Karanth, K. K., Goodrich, J., Seidensticker, J., Robinson, J. G. (2013). Sinks as Saviors: Why flawed inference cannot assist tiger recovery. | NA |
PloS One 7(12):e50433 | Karanth, K. K., Gopalaswamy, A. M., DeFries, R., Ballal, N. (2012) Assessing patterns of conflict risk and compensation distribution around a Central Indian protected area. | NA |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3(6): 1067-1072 | Gopalaswamy, A. M., Royle, J. A., Singh, P., Hines, J. E., Jathanna, D., Kumar, N. S., Karanth, K. U. (2012) SPACECAP: A software package for estimating animal density using spatially explicit capture-recapture models. | NA |
Name | Description | Link |
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp. 286-292. doi:10.1002/9780470057339.vnn139 | Gopalaswamy, A. M. (2012). Capture-recapture models, Spatially Explicit. Encyclopaedia of Environmetrics 2nd Edition. El-Shaarawi, A. H. and W. Peigorsch (eds). | NA |
Combining Information for Strong Inference. Ecology 93: 1741-1751 | Gopalaswamy, A. M., Royle, J. A., Delampady, M., Nichols, J. D., Karanth, K. U., Macdonald, D. W. (2012). Density Estimation in Tiger Populations | NA |
Animal Conservation 15: 569-579 | Gopalaswamy, A. M., Karanth, K. U., Kumar, N. S., and Macdonald, D. W. (2012). Estimating Tropical Forest Ungulate Densities from Sign Surveys using Abundance Models of occupancy. | NA |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 339-348 | Lachish, S., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Knowles, S. C. L., Sheldon, B. C. (2012). Site-Occupancy Modelling as a Novel Framework for Assessing Test Sensitivity and Estimating Wildlife Disease Prevalence from Imperfect Diagnostic Tests. | NA |
Oryx 45: 472 | Patil, N., Kumar, N. S., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Karanth, K. U. (2011). Dispersing tiger makes a point. | NA |
Counting wild tigers, reliably. Science 332: 791 | Karanth, K. U., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Kumar, N. S., Delampady, M., Nichols, J. D., Seidensticker, J., Pimm, S. L. (2011). | NA |
Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 1048-1056 | Karanth, K. U., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Kumar, N. S, Srinivas, V., Nichols, J. D., MacKenzie, D. I. (2011). Monitoring Carnivore Populations at the Landscape Scale: Occupancy Modelling of Tigers from Sign Surveys. | NA |
Journal of Mammalogy 91: 1152-1159 | Singh, P., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Karanth, K. U. (2010). Factors influencing densities of striped hyenas (Hyaena hyaena) in arid regions of India. | NA |
Occupancy Modeling for Cluster Sampling. Ecological Applications 20: 1456-1466 | Hines, J. E., Nichols, J. D., Royle, J. A., MacKenzie, D. I., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Kumar, N. S., and Karanth, K. U. (2010). Tigers on Trails | NA |
Ecology 90: 3233-3244 | Royle, A. J., Karanth, K. U., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Kumar, N. S (2009). Bayesian Inference in Camera-Trap Studies using a Class of Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture Models. | NA |
Biological Conservation 142: 2350-2360 | Mondol, S., Karanth, K. U., Kumar, N. S., Gopalaswamy, A. M., Andheria, A., Ramakrishnan, U. (2009). Evaluation of non-invasive genetic sampling methods for estimating tiger population size. | NA |
Biology Letters 5: 383-386 | Hiby, L., Lovell, P., Patil, N., Kumar, N. S., Gopalaswamy, A.M, Karanth, K. U. (2009). A Tiger cannot change its Stripes: Using a three-dimensional model to match images of living tigers and tiger skins. | NA |
Journal of Applied Ecology 46: 118-127 | Royle, A. J., Nichols, J. D., Karanth, K. U. and Gopalaswamy, A. M (2009). A Hierarchical Model for Estimating Density in Camera-Trap Studies. | NA |